Everything Theatre reviews Going Viral!

A recent review of Encompass Productions' Bare Essentials included this glowing praise for a certain social media-themed short play of mine:

One of my favourites was Going Viral, a play set in the near future. It’s a child’s 15th birthday and the parents have a surprise for her: a Facebook account. As the play unravels, we find out that the child is actually an internet sensation because of her lisp. The writing was fluid with great comedy and it was very relevant. It was beautifully carried by all actors but notably Laurie Harrington, who was a fantastic character actress as the mother and had me laughing out loud throughout.

I owe a great many thanks to the director, Michaela Neal, and the actors, Glenn Mortimer, Marcella Carelli, and Laurie Harrington. It's rumored that they recorded at least one of these performances so I'm looking forward to sharing that with you!